Unveiling The Rise Of India’s Thriving First Copy Shoes Industry


A. Introduction to the First Copy Shoes Industry In India

The first copy shoes industry in India is a booming business that offers high-quality replicas of branded footwear at affordable prices. The industry caters to the growing demand of consumers who want to own the latest styles and trends without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we will explore the history, features, benefits, and challenges of the first copy shoe industry in India.

The first copy shoe industry in India emerged in the early 2000s when online shopping platforms and social media platforms enabled sellers and buyers to connect easily. The sellers sourced their products from China, where factories produced replicas of popular brands such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Reebok etc. The buyers were attracted by the low prices, fast delivery and wide variety of options. The first copy shoes industry soon became a lucrative and competitive market, with sellers offering different levels of quality, service and authenticity.

Features of the first copy shoes industry in India

The first-copy shoe industry in India offers several features that make it appealing to consumers.

  • Quality: The first copy shoes are durable and have similar designs and features as the original ones. They are tested for comfort, fit, and performance before being sold.
  • Variety: The first copy shoes industry offers a wide range of products, from casual sneakers to formal shoes, from sports shoes to boots, from sandals to slippers. The products are updated regularly to match the latest trends and seasons.
  • Price: The first-copy shoes are priced much lower than the original ones, making them affordable for most consumers. The costs vary depending on the quality, brand, and seller, but they are usually between 500 to 3000 rupees per pair.
  • Convenience: The first copy shoes are easily available online, through websites, apps, and social media platforms. The consumers can browse through the products, compare prices and reviews, and place orders with a few clicks. The delivery is fast and reliable, with options for cash on delivery and a return policy.

B. What Are First Copy Shoes?


First-copy shoes are a type of shoe that is created by copying the design of other popular and expensive shoes. They are also known as replicas, knock off, or true copies. They are made to look exactly like the original shoes, but they are usually cheaper and lower in quality.

First-copy shoes are often sold online or in street markets, where they can attract customers who want to buy branded shoes at a lower price. However, there are some drawbacks and risks of buying first-copy shoes, such as:

  • They may not be durable, comfortable, or safe to wear, as they are made with inferior materials and craftsmanship.
  • They may not fit well or match the size chart of the original shoes, as they are not standardized or regulated.
  • They may violate the intellectual property rights of the original shoe brands, and buying them may be illegal or unethical in some countries.

Images of First-Copy shoes and its Originals

1. a. First Copy of Adidas Shoes


b. Original Adidas


2. a. First Copy of Nike Shoes


b. Original Copy of Nike Shoes


C. Historical Background Of Their Rise

First-copy shoes are replicas of branded shoes that are sold at a fraction of the original price. They are also known as fake, duplicate, or counterfeit shoes. The market for first-copy shoes in India has been growing rapidly in the past few decades, especially with the advent of online shopping platforms and social media.

The history of first-copy shoes in India can be traced back to the late 1980s and early 1990s when the country opened up its economy and liberalized its trade policies. Many Indians, especially young and urban consumers, were attracted by the quality, design, and status symbol of these branded shoes. However, not everyone could afford them, as they were often priced very high compared to the average income level.

This created a demand for cheaper alternatives that looked similar to the branded shoes. Some local manufacturers and traders started to produce and sell first-copy shoes that imitated the logos, styles, and features of popular brands such as Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Puma, etc.

  • The lack of awareness and enforcement of intellectual property rights and consumer protection laws in India made it easy for the sellers and buyers of first-copy shoes to evade legal action.
  • The aspirational and status-conscious mindset of many Indian consumers, who wanted to flaunt their fashion sense and impress their peers with branded shoes.
  • The influence of celebrities and influencers, who often endorsed or wore branded shoes and created a buzz around them.
  • The availability and accessibility of first-copy shoes through online platforms and social media made it convenient and discreet for consumers to purchase them.

The market for first-copy shoes in India is estimated to be worth billions of rupees and is expected to grow further in the coming years.

Challenges and Risks Faced:
  • The poor quality and durability of first-copy shoes can cause health problems such as foot infections, allergies, injuries, etc.
  • The loss of revenue and reputation for the original brands, who have to compete with the cheaper and counterfeit versions of their products.
  • The violation of intellectual property rights and consumer rights, which can lead to legal disputes and ethical issues.
  • The negative impact on the environment and the workers’ rights, as first-copy shoes are often produced in unregulated and unsafe conditions with harmful materials and practices.

Therefore, it is important for consumers to be aware of the consequences of buying first-copy shoes and to make informed choices. It is also essential for original brands to take proactive measures to protect their intellectual property rights and to educate their customers about the benefits of buying authentic products.

D. Factors Contributing To The Industry’s Growth

The industry has been experiencing steady growth in the past few years, thanks to several factors that have boosted its performance and competitiveness. In this blog post, we will explore some of these factors and how they have contributed to the industry’s success.

  • One of the main factors is the increasing demand for the industry’s products and services from various sectors and regions. The industry has been able to meet this demand by expanding its production capacity, diversifying its offerings, and improving its quality standards. The industry has also benefited from favorable market conditions, such as low-interest rates, stable exchange rates, and supportive government policies.
  • The innovation and technological advancement that the industry has embraced. The industry has invested heavily in research and development, adopting new technologies and methods that have enhanced its efficiency, productivity, and profitability. The industry has also fostered a culture of innovation and creativity, encouraging its employees to generate new ideas and solutions that can solve the challenges and meet the needs of the customers.
  • The collaboration and partnership that the industry has established with other stakeholders, such as suppliers, distributors, customers, competitors, and regulators. The industry has realized the importance of building strong and mutually beneficial relationships with these stakeholders, as they can provide valuable resources, information, feedback, and support. The industry has also participated in various initiatives and platforms that promote cooperation and dialogue among the stakeholders, such as trade associations, forums, and conferences.

However, the industry should not rest on its laurels, as it still faces many challenges and opportunities in the future. The industry should continue to innovate, adapt, and improve its performance and competitiveness, while also being mindful of its social and environmental responsibilities.

E. Comparison Between Original Branded Shoes and First-copy Shoes

  1. Durability: One of the main advantages of original branded shoes is that they are made to last. They use high-quality materials, such as leather, rubber, canvas, and synthetic fabrics, that can withstand wear and tear. They also have sturdy stitching, soles, and laces that prevent them from falling apart easily. First-copy shoes, on the other hand, are made with inferior materials, such as plastic, cardboard, glue, and low-grade fabrics, that can break down quickly. They also have poor stitching, soles, and laces that can come loose or rip off after a few uses.
  2. Comfort: Original branded shoes are designed to fit your feet well and provide adequate support and cushioning. They also have breathable fabrics that prevent your feet from sweating or getting blisters. First-copy shoes, however, are not made with your comfort in mind. They are often too tight or too loose, causing your feet to hurt or slide around. They also have hard or thin soles that do not absorb shock or protect your feet from the ground. They also have rough or scratchy fabrics that can irritate your skin.
  3. Style: Of course, one of the reasons why people buy shoes is to look good. Original branded shoes have a distinctive and recognizable style that reflects the latest trends and fashion. They also have a variety of colors, patterns, and designs to suit your personal taste and preference. First-copy shoes, meanwhile, have a generic and bland style that tries to imitate the original ones but fails to capture their essence. They also have limited options of colors, patterns, and designs that are often outdated or mismatched.
  4. Value: Finally, you might wonder if buying first-copy shoes is worth saving some money. The answer is no. While first-copy shoes might seem cheaper at first glance, they are actually more expensive in the long run. This is because they have a shorter lifespan and need to be replaced more often than original branded shoes. They also have a lower resale value and can damage your reputation if people notice that you are wearing fake shoes. Original branded shoes, on the other hand, are a good investment because they last longer and retain their value better. They also enhance your image and confidence by showing that you care about quality and style.

F. Impact on the Indian Economy and Job Market

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the Indian economy and the job market in unprecedented ways. The lockdowns, social distancing measures, and reduced consumer demand have affected various sectors and segments of the population differently. In this blog post, we will examine some of the key challenges and opportunities that India faces in its recovery and growth path.

  • Unemployment: According to the latest Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), the unemployment rate in India increased to 20.9 percent in April-June 2020, from 8.9 percent in April-June 2019. The urban unemployment rate was higher than the rural one, and the youth unemployment rate was higher than the overall one. The informal sector, which employs about 90 percent of India’s workforce, was hit hard by the lockdowns and the reverse migration of workers.
  • Productivity: India’s productivity growth has been slowing down in recent years, due to factors such as low investment, weak infrastructure, rigid labor laws, and skill gaps. The pandemic has further exposed these structural weaknesses and hampered India’s competitiveness in the global market. India’s productivity growth was 6.5 to 7.0 percent per year from 2013 to 2018, lower than that of other emerging economies such as China and Vietnam.
  • Inequality: The pandemic has widened the existing inequalities in India, both within and across regions, sectors, and groups. The poor and vulnerable sections of society, such as women, migrants, informal workers, and small businesses, have suffered more from the loss of income, livelihoods, and access to health and education services. The regional disparities have also increased, as some states have been more affected by health and economic shocks than others.
  • Growth boosters: A new report by the McKinsey Global Institute identifies three ‘growth boosters’ that can spur $2.5 trillion of economic value and create 30 percent of nonfarm jobs by 2030. These are (a) frontier sectors such as digital services, health care, green energy, tourism, and advanced manufacturing; (b) high-potential sectors such as agriculture, food processing, retail, construction, and textiles; and (c) enablers such as infrastructure, logistics, financial services, education, and skill development.
  • Large firms: India needs to triple its number of large firms (with more than 500 employees) to capture frontier opportunities and increase its share in global trade. Large firms are more productive, innovative, and resilient than small firms, and can also generate positive spillovers for the rest of the economy through linkages, technology diffusion, and skill development. India currently has only about 600 large firms, compared to about 10,000 in China.
  • Globalization: India can benefit from the ongoing shifts in global trade and investment patterns due to the pandemic and geopolitical tensions. India can attract more foreign direct investment (FDI) by improving its ease of doing business, offering incentives for strategic sectors, and creating special economic zones (SEZs) and export processing zones (EPZs). India can also diversify its export basket by tapping into new markets and products, especially in the services and digital sectors.

India is at a decisive point in its journey toward prosperity. The economic crisis sparked by Covid-19 could spur reforms that return the economy to a high-growth track and create gainful jobs for millions of workers by 2030; letting go of this opportunity could risk a decade of economic stagnation. A reform agenda that aims to raise productivity and incomes for workers, small and midsize firms, and large businesses is needed to keep India in the ranks of the world’s outperforming emerging economies.

G. Ethical Concerns Surrounding Their Production and Sales

First-copy shoes are replicas of branded shoes that are sold at a fraction of the original price. They are often made in countries with low labor standards and poor environmental regulations. Some consumers may be tempted to buy first-copy shoes because they look similar to authentic ones, but they may not be aware of the ethical implications of their purchase.

First-copy shoes can have negative impacts on the workers who make them, the environment, and the original brands. Here are some of the ethical concerns surrounding the production and sale of first-copy shoes:

  • Worker exploitation: First-copy shoes are usually produced in sweatshops, where workers are paid very low wages, work long hours, and face harsh and unsafe conditions. They may also be exposed to toxic chemicals and materials that can harm their health. Some workers may even be children or victims of human trafficking. These workers have little or no legal protection or recourse against their employers.
  • Environmental damage: First-copy shoes are often made with cheap and low-quality materials that are not durable or biodegradable. They may also use more water, energy, and resources than the original shoes. This contributes to waste generation, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and depletion of natural resources. First-copy shoes may also end up in landfills or oceans, where they can harm wildlife and ecosystems.
  • Brand infringement: First-copy shoes infringe on the intellectual property rights of the original brands, who invest a lot of time, money, and creativity into designing and marketing their products. First-copy shoes can damage the reputation and image of the original brands, as well as their sales and profits. They may also mislead consumers into thinking that they are buying genuine products when they are actually getting inferior and potentially unsafe ones.

As consumers, we have a responsibility to make informed and ethical choices when buying products. We should consider the impacts of our purchases on ourselves, other people, and the planet. We should also support brands that are transparent, fair, and sustainable in their production and business practices. By avoiding first-copy shoes, we can help promote a more ethical and respectful fashion industry.

H. Legal Implications and Measures Taken by Authorities Against Counterfeit Products

Falsified products pose a significant danger to the economy, consumers, and the environment. They undercut legal enterprises’ invention and ingenuity, deprive the government of tax money, expose purchasers to health and safety hazards, and contribute to environmental damage.

We will go through some of the legal ramifications and methods taken by authorities to combat counterfeit items, both on a national and worldwide scale. We will also provide you with some pointers on how to recognize and avoid phony items, as well as how to report them if you come across them.

Counterfeit items are both immoral and unlawful. They breach a variety of laws and regulations, including intellectual property rights, consumer protection, customs, commerce, and environmental rules. Fines, confiscation, injunctions, civil litigation, criminal prosecution, imprisonment, and even the death sentence may be imposed depending on the jurisdiction.

Some of the legal implications of counterfeit products are:

  • Infringement of intellectual property rights: Counterfeit products infringe the trademarks, patents, designs, or copyrights of the original owners, who can sue the infringers for damages and seek injunctions to stop the infringement.
  • Fraud and deception: Counterfeit products deceive consumers by falsely claiming to be genuine or of a certain quality or origin. This can result in consumer dissatisfaction, loss of trust and reputation damage for the legitimate brands.
  • Tax evasion: Counterfeit products evade taxes and duties that are imposed on legitimate goods, resulting in loss of revenue for the government and unfair competition for legal businesses.
  • Health and safety risks: Counterfeit products often do not comply with the standards and regulations that ensure the product’s quality, safety, and efficacy. This can pose severe threats to the health and safety of consumers, especially in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, toys, and electronics.
  • Environmental damage: Counterfeit products often use substandard materials and processes that generate more waste, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions than genuine products. They also lack proper disposal mechanisms and recycling systems, leading to environmental degradation.
Measures taken by authorities against counterfeit products
  • Legislation and enforcement: Authorities have enacted laws and regulations that define and prohibit counterfeiting activities, impose penalties for offenders, and empower law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute cases of counterfeiting.
  • Cooperation and coordination: Authorities have established mechanisms for cooperation and coordination among different agencies, sectors, and countries to share information, intelligence, and best practices on counterfeiting issues.
  • Education and awareness: Authorities have launched campaigns and initiatives to educate and raise awareness among the public, businesses, and stakeholders about the dangers and consequences of counterfeit products, and how to identify and avoid them.
  • Technology and innovation: Authorities have adopted technology and innovation to enhance the detection, verification, and traceability of genuine products, such as holograms, barcodes, RFID tags, digital certificates, and blockchain.

Fraudulent products are a worldwide issue that affects everyone. They are harmful to the economy, consumers, and the environment. To combat this issue, authorities have enacted a variety of legal ramifications and anti-counterfeit measures. We may also contribute as customers by being alert and cautious when purchasing things. We can make a difference by working together to safeguard our rights, interests, and values.

I. Consumer Perspective: Why do People buy First-copy Shoes?

First copy shoes are replicas of branded shoes that look very similar to the original ones, but are sold at a much lower price. They are often made in countries where labor costs are low and quality standards are not very strict. Some people may wonder why anyone would buy first copy shoes instead of the real ones. In this blog post, I will explore some of the possible reasons and motivations behind this consumer behavior.

  • they want to save money. Branded shoes can be very expensive, especially for those who have a limited budget or live in developing countries. First copy shoes offer a cheaper alternative that still allows them to enjoy the style and design of the original shoes. They may not care much about the quality or durability of the shoes, as long as they look good and fit well.
  • they want to follow the latest trends and fashions. Branded shoes often have a high demand and a limited supply, which makes them hard to find or afford for many people. First copy shoes provide a way for them to keep up with the changing styles and preferences of the market, without having to wait for long or pay a premium. They may also want to impress others with their appearance and status, and first copy shoes can help them achieve that goal.
  • they are not aware of the differences or consequences of buying fake products. They may not know how to distinguish between original and replica shoes, or they may not care about the ethical and legal issues involved in buying counterfeit goods.

These are some of the possible reasons why people buy first copy shoes, but there may be other factors as well. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what kind of shoes they want to buy and wear, and what kind of values and principles they want to uphold. However, it is also important to be aware of the risks and implications of buying first copy shoes, such as poor quality, health hazards, legal troubles, or social stigma. Buying first copy shoes may seem like a good deal at first, but it may not be worth it in the long run.

J. Tips for Identifying Genuine Branded Shoes from First Copies

  1. Check the logo and label. The logo and label of the brand should be clear, consistent, and accurate. Look for any spelling mistakes, misaligned letters, or incorrect fonts. Also, check if the logo matches the official website of the brand and the product description.
  2. Check the stitching and glue. The stitching and glue of genuine shoes should be neat, even, and durable. Fake shoes often have sloppy, uneven, or loose stitching and glue that can easily come off or leave marks.
  3. Check the materials and colors. The materials and colors of genuine shoes should be high-quality, smooth, and vibrant. Fake shoes often use cheap, rough, or faded materials and colors that do not match the original ones.
  4. Check the box and receipt. The box and receipt of genuine shoes should have the correct information about the brand, model, size, and price. Fake shoes often come in generic boxes or bags that do not have any information or have incorrect information.
  5. Check the reviews and ratings. If you are buying shoes online, you can check the reviews and ratings of the seller and the product. Look for any positive or negative feedback from previous buyers and see if they mention anything about the authenticity of the shoes.

By following these tips, you can avoid buying fake shoes and enjoy the benefits of genuine branded shoes. Remember to always buy from reputable sellers and websites that offer guarantees and return policies. Happy shopping!

K. The Role of E-commerce Platforms In Facilitating The Sale of First-copy Shoes

First-copy shoes are replicas of branded shoes that are sold at a fraction of the original price. They are often manufactured in countries where labor costs are low and quality standards are lax. While some consumers may be aware of the nature of these products and choose to buy them for their affordability, others may be deceived by the sellers who claim to offer authentic shoes at discounted rates.

E-commerce platforms, such as Amazon, Flipkart, and Alibaba, play a significant role in facilitating the sale of first copy shoes. These platforms provide a large and diverse market for sellers and buyers, as well as features such as easy payment, fast delivery, and customer reviews. However, they also pose challenges for regulating the quality and authenticity of the products sold on their sites.

  • Lack of clear and consistent definitions of what constitutes a first copy shoe. Different sellers may use different terms to describe their products, such as “replica”, “duplicate”, “clone”, or “imitation”. Some may even use the original brand name or logo without authorization. This creates confusion and ambiguity for consumers who may not be able to distinguish between genuine and fake products.
  • The difficulty of enforcing intellectual property rights and consumer protection laws across different jurisdictions. E-commerce platforms operate in multiple countries and regions, each with its own legal system and regulations. While some countries may have strict laws against counterfeiting and trademark infringement, others may have weak or nonexistent enforcement mechanisms. This makes it hard for brands and authorities to track down and penalize the sellers of first copy shoes.

L. Future Prospects and Challenges For The First-copy Shoe Industry In India

This is a thriving business that caters to the demand for branded footwear at affordable prices. The term “first copy” refers to shoes that are replicas of popular brands, but are not authorized or licensed by them. These shoes are manufactured by local factories or imported from countries like China, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

The first copy shoe industry in India has several advantages, such as:

  • It offers a wide range of choices for customers who want to buy fashionable and trendy shoes without spending a fortune.
  • It creates employment opportunities for thousands of workers who are involved in the production, distribution, and retail of these shoes.
  • It contributes to the growth of the Indian economy by generating revenue and taxes.

However, the first copy shoe industry in India also faces several challenges, such as:

  • It infringes on the intellectual property rights of the original brands, which can lead to legal disputes and penalties.
  • It compromises on the quality and safety of the shoes, which can cause health issues and injuries for the customers.
  • It damages the reputation and image of the original brands, which can affect their sales and customer loyalty.

Therefore, the first copy shoe industry in India needs to address these challenges and find ways to operate ethically and legally. Some possible solutions are:

  • Obtaining licenses or permissions from the original brands to produce and sell their shoes in India.
  • Improving the quality and safety standards of the shoes by using better materials and techniques.
  • Creating their own brands and designs that are unique and innovative.

By doing so, the first copy shoe industry in India can ensure its future prospects and sustainability, while also respecting the rights and interests of the original brands and customers.

M. The Significance and Controversies Surrounding India’s Thriving First-copy Shoe Industry


In this blog post, we have explored the phenomenon of the first copy shoe industry in India, which produces and sells replicas of branded shoes at a fraction of the original price. We have seen how this industry caters to the growing demand for affordable and fashionable footwear among Indian consumers, especially the youth and the middle class. We have also discussed some of the ethical and legal issues that arise from this practice, such as intellectual property rights, quality standards, consumer protection, and environmental impact.

We have argued that the first copy shoe industry is not a simple case of piracy or counterfeiting, but rather a complex and dynamic response to the socio-economic realities and aspirations of Indian society. We have suggested that this industry can be seen as a form of cultural appropriation, resistance, and innovation, as well as a source of income and empowerment for many small-scale entrepreneurs and workers. We have also proposed some possible ways to address the challenges and opportunities that this industry poses, such as creating a legal framework for licensing and regulation, enhancing consumer awareness and education, promoting social responsibility and sustainability, and fostering collaboration and dialogue among the stakeholders.

We hope that this blog post has shed some light on this fascinating and controversial topic, and has stimulated further discussion and research among our readers. We invite you to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below. Thank you for reading!


Nefertiti Tchuengoua
Nefertiti Tchuengoua
Articles: 13


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