Gen Z’s Impact On The Sneakers’ Drops and Their Resale

I. The Sneaker Craze and its Influence on Gen Z

The sneaker craze has become an undeniable phenomenon in today’s consumer culture, with a significant impact on Gen Z. Sneakers have evolved from functional sports footwear to coveted fashion statements, shaping the way this generation interacts with and consumes branded products. The rise of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok has further fueled the obsession, as young people aspire to collect and showcase the latest and most exclusive sneakers in their posts. Sneakers have become a symbol of status, self-expression, and identity within this age group.

The influence of celebrities and brand collaborations has also played a major role in amplifying the hype surrounding these shoes. As a result, Gen Z is not only more brand-conscious but also deeply engaged in resale markets and sneaker trading communities. This widespread obsession with sneakers reflects how cultural trends can profoundly shape consumption patterns among younger generations.

II. Understanding the Sneaker Drop Phenomenon: What are Sneaker Drops?

Sneaker drops refer to highly anticipated and limited-release events within the sneaker industry, during which new and exclusive shoe models are made available for purchase to the general public. This phenomenon has gained significant traction over the years and has become a cultural phenomenon that intersects the worlds of fashion, sports, and consumerism.

During a sneaker drop, a particular brand or collaboration between a brand and a notable figure or celebrity releases a new sneaker model or a reimagined version of a classic design. These releases are often limited in quantity, creating an aura of exclusivity and desirability among sneaker enthusiasts, also known as “sneakerheads.”

The Process of a Sneaker Drop
  1. Hype Generation: Sneaker brands and influencers strategically build excitement and anticipation around the upcoming release through marketing campaigns, social media teasers, and exclusive previews. The goal is to create a buzz and generate high demand for limited-edition sneakers.
  2. Release Date and Time: Sneaker drops are scheduled for a specific date and time, often announced in advance. This creates a sense of urgency among consumers, as they need to be ready to make their purchases as soon as the sneakers become available.
  3. Limited Availability: The most critical aspect of a sneaker drop is the limited supply of sneakers. Brands intentionally produce a restricted number of pairs, making it challenging for everyone interested to secure a pair. This scarcity further fuels the desire to obtain exclusive footwear.
  4. Retail Channels: Sneaker drops occur through various retail channels, including brand-owned stores, online platforms, and select authorized retailers. Some releases are exclusive to specific stores or regions, adding another layer of complexity for consumers trying to acquire the coveted sneakers.
  5. High Demand and Resale Market: Owing to the limited supply and the desire to own rare sneakers, demand often far exceeds the available quantity. This demand-supply gap has led to the emergence of a thriving resale market, where individuals buy sneakers during the drop and resell them at higher prices to collectors willing to pay a premium.
  6. Sneakerhead Culture: Sneaker drops have given rise to a vibrant subculture of sneaker enthusiasts known as “sneakerheads.” These individuals collect, trade, and showcase their prized possessions, and the rarest and most sought-after sneakers become status symbols within the community.

As a result, sneaker drops have become more than just a commercial activity; they have become cultural events that bring together individuals passionate about fashion, design, and the art of sneaker collecting.

III. The Role of Gen Z in Fueling Hype and Resale Culture

Gen Z, the group born between the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s, has emerged as a primary driving factor behind the sneaker industry’s and beyond’s hype and resale culture. Their distinct qualities, ideals, and digital savvy have transformed consumer behaviour and aided in the transformation of sneaker drops into a cultural phenomenon. Understanding Gen Z’s role in generating hype and resale culture provides useful insights into the consumer landscape.

Insights of Gen Z in the Consumer Landscape
  1. Digital Natives: Gen Z is the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, making them highly adept. This fluency in digital spaces allows them to quickly discover and share information about upcoming sneaker releases, contributing to the rapid spread of hype and anticipation.
  2. Social Media Influence: Gen Z’s extensive use of social media platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, has turned them into powerful influencers. Sneaker brands leverage this influence by partnering with famous Gen Z celebrities, influencers, and athletes to promote their upcoming releases.
  3. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Gen Z’s inherent fear of missing out on the latest trends and experiences plays a pivotal role in the hype and demand surrounding sneaker drops. The limited availability of exclusive sneakers taps into this fear, creating a sense of urgency to participate in the release and secure a pair before they sell out.
  4. Self-Expression and Identity: Sneaker culture offers Gen Z a means of self-expression and identity formation. Sneakers are not merely functional footwear but are also seen as symbols of individuality and personal style. Owning rare and exclusive sneakers allows Gen Z to showcase their unique tastes and interests, reinforcing their identity within their peer groups.
  5. Sustainability and Conscious Consumption: While the hype and resale culture is prevalent, Gen Z is also known for its emphasis on sustainability and ethical consumption. Some members of this generation are critical of the excessive consumerism and waste associated with sneaker culture. As a response, they may participate in resale markets as a means of accessing coveted styles without supporting fast fashion practices.
  6. Secondary Market Dominance: Gen Z’s embrace of digital platforms and e-commerce has facilitated the growth of the resale market. Online marketplaces and dedicated sneaker resale platforms provide a seamless environment for buying and selling coveted sneakers, granting Gen Z greater access to the secondary market.
  7. Influencing Fashion Trends: Gen Z’s influence extends beyond sneakers and permeates the broader fashion industry. Their preferences for streetwear and athleisure styles have played a significant role in driving the popularity of sneakers as fashion statements, thereby further contributing to the hype and resale culture.

In conclusion, Gen Z’s digital fluency, social media influence, desire for self-expression, and propensity for conscious consumption have made them instrumental in fueling hype and resale culture within the sneaker industry. Sneaker drops have evolved into carefully orchestrated events that cater to the demands and interests of this influential generation, shaping the future of the sneaker market and the broader fashion landscape.

IV. The Psychology Behind Sneaker Hype: Why Are They So Coveted?

The psychology behind sneaker hype and its coveted status lies at the intersection of various psychological and sociocultural factors that influence consumer behaviour. Understanding the reasons behind the intense desire for sneakers can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of consumer culture and the influence of marketing strategies on human perception and motivation.

Reasons For Their Desire
  1. Scarcity and Exclusivity: Sneaker brands often employ limited-release strategies, producing a restricted number of pairs for each drop. The principle of scarcity triggers a psychological phenomenon known as the “scarcity effect,” wherein limited availability increases the perceived value and desirability of the product. People are more inclined to desire and pursue items that are perceived as exclusive or hard to obtain, driving heightened interest and demand.
  2. Social Identity and Status: Sneakers have transcended their utilitarian purpose and become symbolic markers of social identity and status within certain communities, especially among young people. Owning coveted and exclusive sneakers can elevate one’s social standing, serve as a form of self-expression, and enable individuals to align themselves with specific subcultures or celebrities associated with the brands.
  3. Influencer Marketing and Social Proof: Sneaker brands collaborate with influential celebrities, athletes, and social media influencers to promote their products. The principle of social proof comes into play, where people tend to follow the actions of others, assuming that these influencers possess superior judgment and taste. As a result, when admired figures endorse certain sneakers, it enhances the desirability and perceived value of those products.
  4. Emotional Connection and Nostalgia: Sneakers can evoke powerful emotional connections, especially when they represent iconic designs or carry sentimental value from past experiences. Nostalgia plays a crucial role in consumer behaviour, as individuals may seek to recapture positive memories associated with certain sneaker models, leading to increased demand and a desire to own classic and reissued designs.
  5. Dopamine and Reward System Activation: Acquiring highly coveted sneakers triggers a release of dopamine in the brain, the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. The act of purchasing or winning a limited-edition pair activates the brain’s reward system, creating a positive emotional response and reinforcing the behaviour of seeking out future sneaker releases.
  6. Investment and Resale Potential: For some consumers, sneakers have evolved into investment opportunities due to the growth of the sneaker resale market. Certain limited-edition releases can appreciate over time, leading to a perception of sneakers as tangible assets that can offer potential returns, further adding to their allure.

Sneaker brands capitalize on these psychological drivers to create buzz, drive demand, and foster a dedicated and passionate consumer base, shaping the sneaker culture and its significance in contemporary consumer society.

V. Social Media’s Impact on Sneaker Culture and Hype Generation

Social media has had a profound impact on sneaker culture and plays a significant role in the generation of hype surrounding sneaker releases. The advent of social media platforms has transformed the way information spreads, allowing sneaker brands to connect directly with their target audience and create a sense of anticipation and excitement around new releases.

Social Media’s Impact
  1. Amplification of Hype: Social media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, serve as powerful tools for amplifying hype. Sneaker brands and influencers leverage these platforms to tease upcoming releases, share behind-the-scenes content, and showcase the exclusivity of limited-edition sneakers. As users share and engage with this content, the hype around a particular release spreads rapidly, reaching a global audience in real time.
  2. Direct Engagement with Consumers: Social media facilitates direct engagement between sneaker brands and consumers. Brands can interact with their audience through posts, comments, and direct messages, building a more personalized and intimate relationship. This interaction fosters a sense of loyalty and community among sneaker enthusiasts, making them more receptive to brand messages and upcoming releases.
  3. Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing on social media has become a pivotal aspect of generating hype for sneaker releases. Brands collaborate with popular influencers, athletes, musicians, and celebrities to promote their sneakers to their vast follower bases. The credibility and influence of these figures create an aspirational connection with the audience, leading to increased interest and demand for the endorsed sneakers.
  4. Sneakerhead Community Building: Social media platforms provide virtual spaces for sneaker enthusiasts to congregate and share their passion for footwear. Online communities, hashtags, and forums dedicated to sneakers allow fans to showcase their collections, discuss upcoming releases, and engage in trading. This community-building aspect enhances the overall excitement surrounding sneaker culture, turning it into a shared experience.
  5. Real-Time Updates and Notifications: Sneaker drops are often announced with limited notice, requiring enthusiasts to stay informed and act quickly. Social media allows brands to share real-time updates, including release dates, store locations, and purchase links. This instant accessibility ensures that interested consumers are well-informed and ready to participate in each sneaker drop.
  6. User-Generated Content: Social media users frequently create and share content related to their sneaker purchases and experiences. Unboxing videos, on-foot photos, and reviews contribute to the overall narrative surrounding a particular release. User-generated content fosters a sense of authenticity and trust, as potential buyers can see real-world examples of the sneakers they are interested in.
  7. Global Reach and Virality: Social media breaks down geographical barriers, enabling sneaker brands to reach a global audience. The hype surrounding a release can quickly go viral, transcending regional boundaries and creating a sense of universality around certain sneakers. This global reach increases demand and further drives the excitement for each drop.

In conclusion, social media’s impact on sneaker culture and hype generation is undeniable. These platforms have revolutionized the way brands connect with consumers, generate excitement, and foster communities of passionate sneaker enthusiasts. The instant and global nature of social media has made it a powerful tool for building anticipation, promoting exclusivity, and amplifying the allure of coveted sneaker releases. As social media continues to evolve, its influence on sneaker culture is likely to remain a central aspect of the industry’s growth and success.

VI. The Rise of Sneaker Resale Market: How Gen Z Capitalizes On It

The rise of the sneaker resale market has been closely tied to the influence and actions of Gen Z, the generation known for its digital fluency, entrepreneurial spirit, and penchant for trendsetting. Gen Z has played a significant role in capitalizing on the opportunities presented by the resale market, turning it into a thriving and influential sector within the sneaker industry.

Factors Contributing
  1. Tech-Savvy and Online Platforms: Gen Z is the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, making them highly adept at using online platforms and e-commerce. They leverage dedicated sneaker resale platforms, such as StockX, GOAT, and Grailed, to buy and sell coveted sneakers with ease, turning their passion for sneakers into a lucrative online business.
  2. Entrepreneurial Mindset: Gen Z is known for its entrepreneurial mindset and willingness to explore alternative income streams. The sneaker resale market presents an attractive opportunity for Gen Z to make money while engaging in a hobby they are passionate about. They see the resale market as a way to turn their interest in sneakers into a profitable venture.
  3. Understanding of Hype and Trends: Being deeply connected to social media and digital culture, Gen Z has an acute understanding of what’s trending and what’s in demand. They are quick to recognize which sneakers will create the most buzz and capitalize on the hype by purchasing sought-after releases and reselling them at higher prices.
  4. FOMO and Fear of Price Increase: Gen Z’s fear of missing out (FOMO) plays a role in their engagement with the resale market. Many believe that certain sneakers will appreciate over time, prompting them to buy and hold pairs as an investment. The fear of prices increasing fuels demand in the resale market.
  5. Access to Insider Information: Social media and online communities have provided Gen Z with access to insider information about upcoming releases, collaborations, and limited-edition drops. They use this knowledge to plan their purchases strategically and secure sneakers that will be in high demand on the resale market.
  6. Sneakerhead Culture and Social Status: For Gen Z, sneakers have become more than just footwear; they are symbols of social status and self-expression. Owning rare and exclusive sneakers enhances their status within their peer groups and allows them to showcase their taste and individuality.
  7. Sustainability and Circular Fashion: Some members of Gen Z engage in the resale market as a way to embrace sustainability and circular fashion practices. By buying pre-owned sneakers, they contribute to reducing waste and minimizing the environmental impact of fast fashion.
  8. Community and Networking: Gen Z’s involvement in the sneaker resale market also fosters a sense of community and networking. They connect with other sneaker enthusiasts, share tips and insights, and build relationships within the sneakerhead culture, creating a supportive and engaging ecosystem.

In a nutshell, because of its tech-savvy character, entrepreneurial mindset, grasp of trends and hype, and social media influence, Generation Z has played a major role in the emergence of the sneaker resale industry. Their involvement in the resale market is motivated by a combination of financial opportunities, a love of sneakers, and a desire for social standing within their communities. As the secondhand market evolves, Gen Z’s influence and engagement will most certainly dictate its trajectory and impact within the larger sneaker business.

VII. Exclusive Collaborations and Limited Editions: Driving the Hype Train

In the dynamic world of sneaker culture, the allure of exclusive collaborations and limited editions has become a driving force behind the hype train. Sneaker enthusiasts, known as “sneakerheads,” eagerly await each carefully curated release, creating a feverish demand that transcends the traditional boundaries of footwear.

The Power of Collaboration

Collaborations between sneaker brands and high-profile figures have evolved into an art form, seamlessly blending creativity with brand synergy. The allure of exclusive partnerships lies in the opportunity to merge distinct design elements, aesthetic visions, and cultural references. Whether it’s a world-renowned fashion designer, an influential artist, a sports icon, or a celebrated musician, these collaborations breathe new life into classic sneaker silhouettes or introduce entirely novel designs.

Beyond their marketing appeal, these collaborations provide a platform for artists and creators to share their unique narratives with a wider audience. Sneaker brands benefit from the added creativity and prestige that the collaborators bring to the table, elevating the perceived value of the resulting limited-edition footwear.

Limited Editions: Fanning the Flames of Desire

The concept of scarcity has long captivated the human psyche, and limited editions masterfully tap into this psychological phenomenon. By deliberately restricting the number of available pairs, sneaker brands invoke the inherent human desire for exclusivity and ownership of something rare. The scarcity factor creates a heightened sense of urgency, prompting consumers to act swiftly to secure their coveted pair before they vanish from the market.

As the popularity of sneaker culture continues to soar, limited editions have transformed from mere rarities to status symbols. Owning a pair of exclusive kicks grants the wearer membership into an elite club of trendsetters and connoisseurs, instilling a sense of personal validation and pride.

The captivating allure of exclusive collaborations and limited editions within sneaker culture has transformed the footwear industry into an immersive experience that extends well beyond a simple transaction. By merging creativity, scarcity, and strategic marketing, sneaker brands have masterfully created a cultural phenomenon that captures the hearts and minds of consumers, particularly the enthusiastic Gen Z demographic. As the hype train continues to gain momentum, it is evident that the allure of exclusive releases will remain a driving force in shaping the future of sneaker culture.

VIII. Sneakers as a Status Symbol: How Gen Z Defines Identity through Footwear

In the eyes of Gen Z, sneakers have transcended their utilitarian purpose and evolved into powerful symbols of social status and self-expression. As a generation that places great value on individuality and authenticity, Gen Z has embraced sneakers as a means to define their identity and communicate their unique personalities to the world.

  1. Fashion as Identity: Fashion, including sneaker culture, has become an essential aspect of how Gen Z defines its identity. Sneakers, with their wide array of designs, colours, and collaborations, offer an avenue for self-expression that goes beyond traditional clothing. For Gen Z, choosing the right pair of sneakers reflects their tastes, interests, and affiliations, creating a visual representation of their identity.
  2. Cultural and Subcultural Significance: Sneaker culture is deeply intertwined with various subcultures and cultural movements. Gen Z recognizes the historical and cultural significance of certain sneaker models, often linking them to their favourite athletes, musicians, or iconic moments. Owning sneakers associated with these figures becomes a way to connect with and pay homage to their idols.
  3. Exclusivity and Rarity: Exclusive releases and limited editions have amplified the status symbol aspect of sneakers. Owning a rare or hard-to-obtain pair elevates one’s social standing within the sneaker community and beyond. The sense of exclusivity associated with certain sneakers reinforces their desirability as status symbols.
  4. Social Media Validation: Social media platforms play a pivotal role in amplifying the status of sneakers as symbols of identity. Sharing photos of coveted sneakers on platforms like Instagram provides a sense of validation and recognition within the sneaker community. The number of likes, comments, and followers serves as a digital “thumbs up” for their fashion choices.
  5. Resale Market Prestige: The thriving sneaker resale market further solidifies the status symbol value of sneakers. Paying a premium for rare sneakers in the resale market indicates a commitment to one’s personal style and the willingness to invest in exclusive fashion statements.
  6. Versatility and Individuality: Sneakers offer a versatile canvas for self-expression, allowing Gen Z to mix and match different styles to create unique outfits. The ability to customize sneakers or pair them with a range of clothing choices enables individuals to showcase their individuality while still adhering to the core aesthetic of sneaker culture.
  7. Influence of Celebrity Culture: Gen Z often looks up to celebrities, musicians, and influencers, many of whom are deeply entrenched in sneaker culture. Owning the same sneakers as their idols creates a sense of connection and shared interests, contributing to the status value of the footwear.

For Gen Z, sneakers have become far more than mere footwear; they are a powerful means of self-expression, social status, and identity. The fusion of fashion, cultural significance, and social media validation has elevated sneakers to coveted symbols of authenticity and individuality. As Gen Z continues to shape consumer trends and embrace the sneaker culture, the significance of sneakers as a status symbol will likely remain a driving force in defining their identity and shaping their relationship with the broader fashion world.

IX. The Dark Side of Sneaker Culture: Counterfeits, Scams, and Exploitation

While sneaker culture is celebrated for its passion and creativity, there is an unfortunate dark side that includes counterfeits, scams, and exploitation. As the demand for exclusive and limited-edition sneakers continues to soar, unscrupulous individuals and organizations exploit the fervor of sneaker enthusiasts, leading to a range of detrimental consequences within the industry.

  1. Counterfeits and Knockoffs: The popularity of sought-after sneakers has given rise to a lucrative market for counterfeit and knockoff products. Counterfeiters produce low-quality replicas that mimic the appearance of popular designs, deceiving consumers into purchasing fake sneakers at seemingly discounted prices. Not only does this result in financial losses for unsuspecting buyers, but it also undermines the integrity of genuine sneaker brands and their collaborations.
  2. Scams and Fraudulent Practices: Online sneaker transactions are susceptible to scams and fraudulent practices. Fraudsters may create fake websites, use phishing tactics, or falsely advertise limited-edition releases to lure consumers into making payments for non-existent or counterfeit sneakers. Victims of such scams often face financial losses and disappointment in their pursuit of coveted footwear.
  3. Exploitative Labor Practices: The production of sneakers, particularly in some regions of the world, has been associated with exploitative labour practices. Some manufacturers prioritize low costs and high production rates, leading to poor working conditions, low wages, and child labour. Sneaker enthusiasts unknowingly contributing to this exploitation through their purchases inadvertently perpetuate the problem.
  4. Resale Market Price Manipulation: The hype surrounding limited-edition releases has led to price manipulation in the sneaker resale market. Some resellers engage in price gouging, artificially inflating the prices of exclusive sneakers to exploit consumer demand. This practice not only alienates genuine enthusiasts but also undermines the accessibility of sneakers to those who genuinely appreciate them.
  5. Violence and Crime: The pursuit of exclusive releases can sometimes lead to incidents of violence and crime. Crowds gathered for high-profile sneaker releases have seen instances of theft, fights, and vandalism. The intense desire to secure limited pairs can create tense and unsafe situations, endangering the well-being of sneaker enthusiasts.
  6. Environmental Impact: The sneaker industry’s rapid growth and excessive consumption contribute to significant environmental issues. Mass production, transportation, and waste disposal processes associated with sneakers can lead to increased carbon emissions and waste generation, exacerbating environmental challenges.

As sneaker enthusiasts, brands, and the industry as a whole, it is imperative to work together to create a more responsible and ethical sneaker culture, one that prioritizes authenticity, transparency, fair labour practices, and sustainable consumption. Only through collective efforts can we ensure that the joy and passion for sneakers remain untainted by the darker aspects that currently plague the industry.

X. Sustainable Alternatives to Combat Excessive Consumerism in Sneaker Culture

In response to the excessive consumerism prevalent in sneaker culture, various sustainable alternatives have emerged to promote responsible consumption and reduce environmental impact. These approaches aim to address the growing concerns surrounding overconsumption and waste, aligning with the values of conscious consumers, including Gen Z.

  1. Circular Fashion Initiatives: Sneaker brands and retailers are increasingly embracing circular fashion initiatives. These programs encourage customers to return their used sneakers for recycling or upcycling. Brands can refurbish and resell gently worn sneakers, reducing the demand for new production and extending the lifecycle of products. Such initiatives create a more sustainable sneaker ecosystem and minimize the environmental footprint of the industry.
  2. Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing: Brands are incorporating eco-friendly materials, such as recycled plastics, organic cotton, and bio-based synthetics, into their sneaker designs. Additionally, manufacturing processes are evolving to reduce waste and energy consumption. By choosing sustainable materials and methods, sneaker brands contribute to a more environmentally responsible supply chain.
  3. Ethical Collaborations: Collaborations between sneaker brands and sustainability-focused organizations, eco-conscious designers, or socially responsible initiatives are gaining popularity. These partnerships emphasize the importance of ethical practices in the sneaker industry and promote social and environmental causes through limited-edition releases.
  4. Rental and Subscription Models: Rental and subscription services for sneakers are emerging as viable alternatives. These platforms allow consumers to access a rotating selection of sneakers for a fixed subscription fee, reducing the need for continuous purchasing. Renting or subscribing to sneakers fosters a sense of novelty and variety while minimizing the accumulation of unused footwear.
  5. Second-Hand and Vintage Shopping: Embracing second-hand and vintage sneaker shopping is a sustainable option. Thrifting or buying pre-owned sneakers from reliable sources extends the lifespan of products and diverts them from landfills. This choice aligns with the principles of circular fashion and contributes to reducing waste.
  6. Mindful Purchasing: Encouraging consumers to be mindful of their purchases is essential. Promoting a “buy less, choose well” mentality urges individuals to invest in quality, timeless designs rather than succumbing to fast fashion trends. Prioritizing versatile sneakers that suit various outfits and occasions promotes more sustainable consumption habits.
  7. Educational Campaigns: Sneaker brands can use their influence to raise awareness about sustainable practices and responsible consumption. Educational campaigns on social media and in-store platforms can empower consumers to make informed choices and actively support eco-friendly initiatives.

As sneaker culture continues to evolve, sustainable alternatives are emerging as essential tools to combat excessive consumerism. By adopting circular fashion initiatives, utilizing eco-friendly materials, promoting ethical collaborations, and encouraging mindful purchasing, the sneaker industry can embrace more sustainable practices. These solutions resonate with conscious consumers, including Gen Z, who seek to balance their passion for sneakers with a commitment to the environment and responsible consumption. Embracing these sustainable alternatives can lead to a more environmentally friendly and socially responsible sneaker culture in the future.

XI. Conclusion: The Everlasting Power of Sneaker Drops on Gen Z

Finally, the influence of sneaker drops on Gen Z is a constant and powerful force in sneaker culture. Exclusive partnerships, limited editions, and deliberate hype marketing speak to Gen Z’s digital fluency, drive for self-expression, and thirst for unique experiences. These carefully picked releases foster a sense of excitement, connection, and personal validation, fueling this generation’s continuous fascination and passion for sneakers. As Generation Z continues to define consumer trends and influence the sneaker business, the allure of sneaker drops is set to be an enduring and defining feature of their cultural identity.

Nefertiti Tchuengoua
Nefertiti Tchuengoua
Articles: 13

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